July 20, 2021

Published Tuesday, July 20, 2021 with 0 comment

Low Calorie Alternatives For Every-Day Food Items


If you are following a healthy lifestyle, you already know the importance of healthy diet. Healthy diet need not be a strict diet-plan that restricts half the food choices, and makes you stick to a routine that’s practically not viable. Healthy diet can be as simple as choosing for low-calorie substitutes for your regular food.

Here’s a list of low-cal replacements for the usual food in your pantry.



Low Calorie Alternative

Grains – Pasta & Cereals

Ramen Noodles

Rice Noodles

Regular Granola Bars

Rice Crispies

Unsweetened Granola

Chocolate Cereal

Unsweetened Cereal

Ragi Bites

Barley/Corn Flakes

Unsweetened Muesli




Oats, Oatmeal


Corn, Cornmeal

Poultry, Meat & Fish

Cold Cut Meats

(Salami, Bologna, Sausages)

Low Fat Pressed Meats

Low Fat Cold Cuts

Lean Ham

Beef, Ground Beef

Lean Ground Beef

Ground Turkey

Fat Trimmed Beef

Poultry Meat With Skin

Poultry Meat Without Skin

Canned Tuna in Oil

Canned Tuna in Water

Regular Eggs

Egg Whites


Whole Milk

Skimmed Milk

Ice Cream

Frozen Yogurt (unsweetened)

Sour Cream

Low Fat Yogurt

Coffee Cream

Fat-Free Milk Powder (unsweetened)


Some important points regarding health food:

·         Choose broth-based soup over cream soup.

·         For anything in dairy, look for skimmed milk version or fat-free version.

·         Sugar = calories = health problems. Avoid sugar as far as you can.

·         Do not be taken for a ride by the label “sugar free”. Companies have devised clever ways to camouflage sugar under the name sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, barley malt, dextrose, maltose, rice syrup, sugarcane syrup, sugarcane crystals etc. All of these essentially mean sugar and in some cases more calories than sugar. Natural sweeteners are healthier than sugar so look for the phrase ‘no artificial sweetener’, or ‘no added sugar’.

·         In many cases, the fat-free or low-calories version of an item is just a few calories lesser than the regular version of the same item, but the price difference is huge. It’s always good to compare the regular food item with it’s fat-free or low-calorie version for the total calorie difference vis-a-vie the price difference.





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