You might be doing a pretty god job at putting up a facade, but more often than not, your eyes rat you out. Whether you are going through stress, or haven’t been getting enough sleep, or have been drinking too often and too much, or are just going through the usual mid-life crisis, your eyes will show it. If you feel your eyes have been snitching on you lately, here are some tried and tested products for treating your eye troubles.
Important – The skin around eyes is very delicate, almost 4 percent thinner than the skin on rest of the face. You should test every product for allergies and irritations according to the instructions on the package. Always use clean linen for face, especially around the eyes.
Wrinkly Eyes – Crow’s Feet
The most common cause of wrinkles around eyes is sun. Wear a sunscreen lotion even when you are indoors. When going out in the sun wear sunglasses and preferably a hat. A vitamin C serum is also effective in providing hydration and protecting skin from getting wrinkly. Apply the serum all over your face. Take some serum on the tip of your finger and gently message it around the eyes, but do not apply very close to the eyes as it may sting.

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Puffy Eyes
Puffy eyes can be a result of a variety of things including fluid retention due to sleeping late, too much of alcohol or sodium intake, and allergens. Most of these things cannot be controlled by cosmetic application, the real cause that is causing puffiness will need to be addresses. Jade rollers are known to give relaxation making the puffiness go away, but it can soon come back as the cause relapses. The best solution to puffy eyes – get adequate sleep. With all the increased screen time, puffy eyes can worsen.
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Dark Circles
The discoloration beneath the eye can be for several reasons – rubbing eyes vigorously, hormone triggered, melanin build-up, stress, chronic sleep deficiency amongst others. There are many products in the market that help with dark circles. One sure short way is using a good concealer or foundation two shades lighter than your face tone.
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