May 18, 2020

Published Monday, May 18, 2020 with 0 comment

Extended Me-Time

Sometime back, before the Coronavirus pandemic, people used to have a busy schedule, a to-do list that hardly got done in the measure of a day. Doing daily chores, travelling to work, picking up your kids, taking them to sports practice, socializing with friends, getting home and preparing dinner, next day’s prep – literally a mad rush. The one thing that never got done was me-time.

There never seemed to be time for self-care. A thing as simple as a bubble bath with scented candles would take weeks of planning. Never got time for that book you wanted to read, the art and craft projects you wanted to try, or playlist you wanted to make, the list can go on. But now that we are all confined to our houses with no running around and no socializing to do, there is scope for ‘me’. You can do all you’ve ever wanted to. Right from self-care to emotional grooming to managing spiritual energy to working on relationships, all of it.

The first thing you need to do is make a list of everything you want to accomplish during this lockdown. A good way to start would be working on a daily routine that includes you. although this list will be different for each person, depending on their preferences and their definition of me-time. Here’s a general list to get you started. You can always tweak this list to match your personal preferences.

·         Meditation
·         Workout
·         Beauty bath (with skincare ad haircare included)
·         Breakfast
·         Work
·         Lunch
·         Work
·         Hobby
·         Dinner
·         Reading/watching movies
·         Nap

Now that you have a list, look for the ‘me’ things you need. For instance, if you haven’t tried meditation earlier, sign into a course online. There are many fitness apps that teach guided meditation.

Similarly, here are some smart gadgets and tools you would need to have a good workout at home.

Tangram Smart Rope

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JaxJox KettlebellConnect

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Powerdot Pain Reliever

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Withings Body Cardio


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For beauty bath, a range of haircare and skincare products there’s a whole range of products for every skin type and hair type. From natural products to exclusive cosmetics to vegan stuff, there’s so much to choose from. Here are a few stores you can check out:

Sephora Ulta Beauty 

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Here are some accessories you might need:

Scented candles



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