Guide to buying Halloween candy without being tricked!
You are going to have goblins and witches and pixies and ghosts, all sort of strange visitors ringing your doorbell, and you better have the candy they want or be ready to be tricked.
Buying Halloween candies may seem like easiest of all the Holiday shopping you’ll be doing. But if you really do the math you might be getting tricked into paying excess just because a box of candy seems like least of the places you’d think of saving. Here are some quick tips to help you make the Halloween even more fun for and your visitors from Hotel Transylvania!
- Calculate the cost of per-piece candy. The box might say there’s extra candy in it, or it is a savings pack, but you should still calculate the cost of one piece of candy in the box by dividing the cost of the box by the number of candies in it. compare it with other boxes and you can pick up something with a really good deal on it. This way you can end up picking more candy in your budget.
- Don’t just stick to Halloween candy. There can be many options on the shelves. Choose from chewy treats to gummy bears to lollipops and so much more. Halloween candy can be priced high just for the occasion.
- Have a mixed bowl. Do not stick to chocolates only. Chocolates are costlier. So have or sugary delights for kids. Refrain from making it a single kind. Variety helps keep the kids excited and you can work a balanced cost too.
- Hand out the candies yourself. Do not let little monsters loot your bowl. Kids tend to pick up a handful and you’ll run out of your treat in no time.
- If you don’t mind spending a little, you can also choose to give little goody bags instead of just candy. Just fill in some candy, some kids’ party favors like whistle, balloons or whatever. This would make one of the fondest of moments for children who visit your house.

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